Dear Alumni,
As a Cal Poly alum, we hardly need to tell you that our alumni remain passionately loyal to the University. Just think about what it feels like to walk down the street or through an airport and see someone wearing green and gold Cal Poly gear- a passionate conversation about respective experiences on campus are sure to follow. Or, that feeling you get when you see Madonna or Bishops Peak as you pull off the 101 into SLO.
Just as you support us by sharing your stories of your time on campus and by financially supporting Jewish life on campus, so too do we want to support you as alumni.
If you’re an alum and want to stay connected to what is happening on campus, mentor a student, help new alumni adjust to your community, or just know what other Jewish alumni are up to in your community, then we want to help you.
Contact us any time,
SLO Hillel Staff
Go Mustangs!
Get coffee with a staff member!
If you are in the SLO area, sign up to have a coffee on Hillel!
Zoom with us!
If you are not in the SLO area, we would love to catch up! Please sign up to Zoom with us!